
Computer Repair

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The Leading Computer Repair Shop In Garden City

State-of-the-Art Computer Repair Services all at A Competitive Cost!






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Our Pre-Eminent Computer Repair Shop In Garden City Delivers The Finest Services!

Computers, whether they are used in a busy office for work or in your home for personal use, play an integral part. When a system breaks down, everything tech-related comes to a halt as your phones and iPads connect to it too. If you have a PC that is slow or is stuck on a boot loop, we can fix it in minimal time.

Trust us with the repair job for everything related to hardware and software and you will never have to worry about your desktop again. Our crew is highly skilled with computer tech and uses quality software and hardware tools to fix PC and console repair related problems.

We believe in customer satisfaction and aim to deliver a long-lasting quality experience. Our warranty is well trusted in the tech repair industry but you never have to claim it when we work on your product! Find all of our services here at FIXITPRO!


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Keeping Roaches Away From Your Premises

Cockroaches are a constant issue in houses, offices, and other commercial buildings; however, the amount of loss these places have to bear is different. Cockroaches are the prime reason for contamination and disease in the living areas. These creatures can hide in poorly-maintained storage places or inside the wall cracks.

In Lahore, you can find four kinds of cockroach species, including American, German, Oriental, and Turkestan. The German and the Oriental are the ones that are mostly found in residential areas; whereas, Turkestan and American roaches are found in outdoor settings.

Depending upon the project requirements, our experts will perform gap analysis and other assessments to find the best suitable cockroach control services for your requirements. We eliminate the roaches from your premises and provide awareness to customers on how they can avoid such situations in the future.


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Computer Repairs in Garden City

That Last You A Long Time!


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Hardware Repair

Our hardware repair of your PC includes identifying the problem and bringing them back to proper functional condition through repair or replacement of components. If they are damaged permanently, we can replace them for you with high-quality parts that can go the extra mile when it comes to longevity. Hardware repair is our specialty and we want you to have a satisfying experience. Whether it is a faulty motherboard or loose connection ports, we can fix it!

Data Recovery & Backup

We take precautionary measures before we start extracting your data in case of any mishap. It’s safe in our hands! Our computer repair shop takes a full backup of your data with your permission and safely delivers it to you making sure it is secure. We offer software restoration services as well to get a fresh install of windows or any other operating system running on your computer.

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Computer Maintenance

Your computer requires constant updates and tune-ups. It is our job to make sure your system is never behind schedule and always up to date. With software updates comes a lot of bug fixes that help your PC run smoothly. Our technicians ensure your system is kept safe and secure with antivirus software to prevent viruses from compromising your PC.

Troubleshooting Network Problems

We can iron out any bugs your computer may be experiencing and troubleshoot network errors that affect your work. Let us take care of your networking system so there is no interruption in those important Zoom calls you’ve been taking. Our quality repair services in Garden City make sure you get the best results from our repairs, whether they are software or hardware related.



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Computer Repairing Services in Garden City



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Asus Computer Repair Services

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Toshiba Computer Repair Services

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Dell Computer Repair Services

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Acer Computer Repair Services

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HP Computer Repair Services

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Lenovo Computer Repair Services

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Sony Computer Repair Services

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Samsung Computer Repair Services


